Olga's World

All images and texts posted here are copyright Olga Morgan 2006, 2007, 2008

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Location: Charlottesville, Virgnia, United States

I am just trying to survive in this world - sometimes feeling like a gypsy in the twilight zone...

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

If you normally don't pay attention to the World around you – please stop and take a look at all the amazing and beautiful trees that surround you. And you will wonder – how would you handle the inescapable inability to move anywhere? You can grow – but only up; you can prosper – but only in this particular space; you are moving, but, if you look at everything closer, it is just an illusion of movement…Seasons change, trees change, but nothing really changes…Is that how our lives are? – We think we are moving forward... Day by day, we are trying to grow, and at the same time, somehow, we stay the same and our surroundings rarely change... nothing really changes… Are we like trees? Lonely souls, which are just trying to survive? Day after day, season after season… On the other hand – look at the beauty of those trees, think of how inspirational they are, and how much we miss them in the winter time. Maybe it is our purpose as well – to inspire someone in our life, encourage them to be a better person, cheer them up when they wake up in the morning…It's not bad, is it? – if we can make our loved ones just a little happier every day, putting light smiles on their faces... Isn't that happiness?


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