Olga's World

All images and texts posted here are copyright Olga Morgan 2006, 2007, 2008

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Location: Charlottesville, Virgnia, United States

I am just trying to survive in this world - sometimes feeling like a gypsy in the twilight zone...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Sometimes I am feeling so alone in this World…At least one on one with my issues and health problems…I feel like with all of my physicians, all of my friends, and everyone who suppose to understand – support groups, internet blog pages, etc., I still feel like I am painting on the wall with water…I am painting and painting, trying to tell my story, trying to pour my heart out, but no one can see…And how can they? After all, I am painting with water…So, is it because I am not really ready to share; or is it because I think no one will understand? Whatever it is, I wish someone would understand…Or, maybe I just wish that I would believe that someone can understand…


Blogger JPnVA said...

My Dearest Olga,
It's true I can not understand the exact pain that you feel, or the exact form of isolation that you experience with your health issues. But having felt pain, and isolation of my own, I can only tell you that I can empathize... That I can listen, and try to understand. And that I care about you.. And love you.
And I can try to let you know that you are not alone; in your health, or in this world.
And hope that it helps you get through this day a little better than the last, and be more ready, and less alone in the next.

Your loving husband,

9:27 PM  

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