When I come home worn out and lonely after all the battles with invisible forces of my sometimes overpowering life, my dog is always there... I could be in the good mood, bad mood, I could be tired or energetic, she is always happy to see me… That tale and those incredibly devoted eyes never lie…She is the one who loves you, protects you, and teaches you to trust – if your dog doesn’t like someone, you probably shouldn’t as well. When I look in her eyes, sometimes I feel that she is a very furry human being on four short legs. The depth of her eyes is much deeper that human eyes – you probably know that saying: the more people I meet, the more I love my dog…
Every doggy must have a soul, where all of the hurts are buried away, where there are no judgments against us, where my doggy finds comfort if I am barking after a long day…All my doggy is waiting from me is a kind word and a tender touch – it wipes out all of the concerns, pains and trouble. Her heart and her soul is so understanding it makes you wonder how big that heart is, how deep that soul is…My doggy…My friend…My companion…My hiding place…In a perfect world, every dog would have a home and every home would have a dog…My dear Madison - my world is perfect!
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