Olga's World

All images and texts posted here are copyright Olga Morgan 2006, 2007, 2008

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Location: Charlottesville, Virgnia, United States

I am just trying to survive in this world - sometimes feeling like a gypsy in the twilight zone...

Saturday, April 22, 2006

So, our journey begins…I love to travel but at the same time I miss my home. You do not even realize when the feeling of excitement and experiencing something new turns to completely opposite – I just want to get back home. Human nature is quite unusual – we can not sit still in one place, and mind starts to wonder and we follow our heart - just so we can fill our lives with something exciting, experience as much as possible, change our daily routine. On the other hand, once we are far away we all miss home – that place where you feel safe and peaceful. You come home; your heart fills in with this enormous warmth and affection but then somehow that feeling gets replaced with an absolutely different one: feeling of adventure, pressure from our own four walls, squeezing you under the weight of day-to-day routine…At some point, your mind wonders so far from home that you can not find your way back unless you experience that obsession, excitement, exhilaration and anticipation of discovering something new. You are absorbed by something that is unknown and far away, and the only thing you now for sure – you want to go there and experience it. Your mind or heart can not unwind until you get there and see it for yourself – and at this point you go the opposite way – you just want to go home, and relax once you are there. Human nature is quite a very interesting thing – we wonder in search of something great, something different, and something exciting. And a lot of times, after searching for it for all of our life we realize that we have it all, right here, in our hearts…


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