Olga's World

All images and texts posted here are copyright Olga Morgan 2006, 2007, 2008

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Location: Charlottesville, Virgnia, United States

I am just trying to survive in this world - sometimes feeling like a gypsy in the twilight zone...

Saturday, March 04, 2006

There are so many languages and religions in this world…However, instead of celebrating and admiring those differences, we – Humans – go into war over them. If you stop for a second and think about it – this world is so much more because of all that diversity and you would imagine that highly evolved species (as we think we are) would appreciate that, but no – instead we are trying to convince our neighbors that our language, way of living, and our religion is much better than theirs. World is a puzzle – each one of our cultures is a piece that has its own unique place in that puzzle – we all compliment each other and complete that puzzle at the same time. If we can not overpower each other in the unit of two – like marriage, who said we will be more successful in overpowering Nations, Regions, and Religious Tribes? How can we turn hostility and jealousy, sense of entitlement and superiority, feelings of being privileged and destructive power of all this into celebration of differences, cultural education, and World peace? Be proud of who you are, of your cultural background, your spirituality. But respect the beliefs of others. Maybe it is time for all of us to get that puzzle – not for our children but for ourselves – to help us realize that all of us are unique pieces to the same puzzle called World, and if we miss one – there is no way for any of us to ever feel complete…Find a peace within your heart and share it with the whole wide World!


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