Children of the Island…It appears that they are born from Ocean waves and sandy beaches. Anywhere you see them – playing by the water, going to school, riding a bike – they are so happy. Big smiles making their faces glow. Every child on that Island is the happiest…They might not have the highest education, or they might not be as busy as other children, but they are happy and healthy, always smiling, learning from day one that life is beautiful, even if it is not easy. You can see that they will never take for granted a glass of milk and piece of bread in the morning, sunny weather and warmth of the Ocean, they will never disrespect Nature as we do sometimes. Nature is what gave them life and that is what supports that life. Kids can sunbathe all day long, play in the Ocean and it almost seems that the Ocean itself takes care of children by being so calm during the play and not jeopardizing their lives. Children at play…Huge smiles…One look at a child and I really wish I had a childhood like this – full of love, Nature, beauty, and relaxation, full of everything that we miss so much in our day to day lives. Dear children, please stay as innocent as you are, as happy and healthy! And also please, when you grow up, carry a little piece of this magical time called childhood in your hearts.
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