How do we come to appreciate or adore something? Two different people can look at the same thing and see it absolutely differently…How does my photography work? What inspires me to take certain pictures and where are those thoughts and ideas born? Do they come from my heart or within my mind? For an artist, or a photographer, are mind and heart the same substance or is it two different things? Than how can I find out what takes priority – my mind or my heart every time I point my camera and shoot? In my case, it is probably all heart. I am a very emotional person, and even though I can be very logical business person, in my photography I am always listening to my heart. I never think about color, or composition, or any other parameters of pictures that are perfect from technical stand point. I am trying to preserve a moment of beauty, something that inspired me to take a picture and show it to the whole wide world. For example, take a look at the Little Corn Island… Every person, every tourist always passes by the same view, but only few people can really take it in and turn in to a master piece via their art. Local artists, who live their whole life on that little island, see something inspiring in every day scenery and share their gift with the world. So, look around you and think – where does your inspiration come from? In my case, it is definitely from my heart…
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